Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download Coming Soon!)YouTube Version (Coming Soon!) November is here and man, is it cold! Time to warm up with some chicken soup and the latest issue of Transformers: REANIMATED. We call this latest issue, Skybound! Why did we call it Skybound? Well, you know, because it’s all about the…Read more
Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download Coming Soon!)YouTube Version (Coming Soon!) July has arrived and you can bet we’ll be celebrating our Independence Day. That is, if DESTRO doesn’t stop us! So, gather around the warm glow of your digital devices to read the newest issue of Transformers: REANIMATED: titled Generation Next: Featuring G.I….Read more
Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download Coming Soon!)YouTube Version (Coming Soon!) It’s New Comic Book Day! Get our FREE and new issue of Transformers: REANIMATED! The Kup story continues with this month’s issue, The Niter Slave Mines. Rocking a new cover inspired by the iconic Jim Lee and his Superman vs. Batman cover. Issue 42 continues following along with…Read more
Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download)YouTube Version Today is Wednesday! Do you know what that means? New Comic Book Day! And around here it also means Free Comic Book Day! Fresh from our appearance at Ia-Con Online, we bring you yet another G1 story that the comic world can’t stop talking about. Download issue…Read more