Transformers: REANIMATED Issue 9: Down Under Blunders

Transformers comic cover with Outback driving toward the reader

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It’s New Comic Book Day! Even though the Coronavirus has caused all the comic book stores to close, Greig and I are still determined to make sure you all have a new Transformers comic book to read each month. So go ahead and download the latest issue of Transformers: REANIMATED!

Within these digital pages, you will find a story lovingly crafted about the amazing character, Outback! Like all our issues, this one was written to help fill the gap between the end of the original G1 second season and the 1986 movie that defined the childhood of millions.

This month, in Issue #9 of our rejected IDW comic series, we travel all the way to Australia in this original Outback origin story. Not to mention a sneaky pair of no good Battle-Chargers.

With line art and colors by the very talented Damon Batt. Written by Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast and Youseph (Yoshi) Tanha from the TransMissions Podcast and YoshiCast.

So, chuck a snag on the barbie and give it a whirl!

So, if you did you like issue 9: Down Under Blunders … Then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.

‘Till All Are One!

“Bloody hell! That’s not a dingo!”

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