Transformers: REANIMATED Issue 5: A Transformers Christmas Carol

Transformers comic cover with Megatron holding a snowglobe

Here it is! (409-kb PDF Download)
Audio Version! (86-MB MP3)

This is issue 5 of our rejected Transformers: REANIMATED comic. We are releasing it here as fan fiction.

With line art and colors provided by Transformers comic book artist Lee Sullivan. Written by Greig Tansley from the Unfunny Nerd Tangent podcast and me (Yoshi), from the YoshiCast.

‘Tis the season to be Cybertronian! That’s right, everyone; a G1 Transformers Christmas story. When was the last time that ever happened? I’m serious, too. Of all the G1 Cartoon episodes, how many Christmas themed episodes did we get? I will tell you how many. Zero! At least not a full themed episode about the Holiday Season.

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Greig and I have addressed this oversight in issue 5 of Transformers: REANIMATED, entitled: A Transformers Christmas Carol.

This issue is DOUBLE-SIZED too! That’s right! As a Christmas present to all our readers, this month’s issue is twice the size of a normal one! Going from 20 pages, to 40 pages of awesome Transformers Christmas transforming awesomeness! (Easy for us to say…)

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“Things are always awesome when I’m involved.”

We have put a lot of work into this issue and we really hope you all enjoy it as much as we did writing it.

Greig and I also want to pass on a much-earned thank you to our cover artist this month, Lee Sullivan. Lee is a veteran G1 Transformers artist from the U.K. who we are honored to have work with us on this issue, providing a magnificent cover that sets the tone of the book, perfectly.

Before this month is out, we plan on releasing two audio read-throughs for you to enjoy. Transformers: REANIMATED Issues 4 and 5 are expected out before Christmas, and we’re also working on a couple more surprises for you, so be sure to check back with us here on the site between now and then!

From Greig, Damon and myself, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a bright and successful New Year!

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“Don’t be a Grinch! Read Transformers: ReAnimated!”

Finally, did you like our Christmas issue: A Transformers Christmas Carol? Then please consider contacting SKYBOUND Entertainment (Via E-mail or Twitter) and let them know you would have liked to see Transformers: REANIMATED as an ongoing comic book series written by Yoshi and Greig.

‘Till All Are One!

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