Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download Coming Soon!)YouTube Version (Coming Soon!) I just have two question for everyone. How on Earth is it December and how can we already be at issue 65 of Transformers: REANIMATED? Well, you know what they say. ‘Tis the season to be downloading. And do we have a jolly…Read more
Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download Coming Soon!)YouTube Version (Coming Soon!) Spook-A-Boo one and all! October has finally arrived! So has the brand new issue 51 of Transformers: REANIMATED: King Of The Ring. This month’s cover features kaiju-sized bots magnificently displayed by James Stark and John-Paul Bove, in the form of Grimlock squaring off…Read more
Here it is! (PDF Download)Audio Version! (MP3 Download!)YouTube Version Plow into new comic book Wednesday with a brand new issue of Transformers: ReAnimated! Within these PDF pages you will find a story that pits the brand new Autobot team of Thunderbots against the evil Decepticons! Issue 16 brings in the extremely talented Dan Khanna to draw this issue’s cover of Grimlock and…Read more